Tuesday, September 3, 2013

DIY Puree Baby Food

When my daughter was first ready to begin eating solids, I thought it was going to be a horrible transition.  I had heard many different opinions on what the proper way was to introduce solids but needed to figure out what was right for us.  I started my research and after a few searches, I began to realize that this task I thought I was going to be so daunting, wasn't looking so bad after all.

I made two batches of purée fruits and vegetables which lasted my daughter about 3 months.  The first batch was 100% purée of each; sweet potato, carrots, peas, butternut squash and acorn squash.  The second batch was made 75% purée and 25% small chunks and included carrots, sweet potato, butternut squash, strawberry and banana and apple medley.  As my daughter transitioned from purées to chunky food I would add a little bit of organic whole grain cereal to thicken the consistency.

All the fruits except the bananas got steamed and then puréed in the magic bullet... No, I didn't buy the baby bullet, just 16 small glad containers and used what I had.  For the veggies I chopped/cubed and steamed the sweet potatoes, peas and carrots.  The squash was baked in the oven (350°F for 30 to 40 mins) on a pan with about 1/2 inch of water.  I let everything cool on the counter before freezing. 

And Voilà!  In total  it took about 3 hours spread over a day.  Not bad for almost 3 month's worth of food!

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